Appearance Package 1


Lifestyle Assessment

What We Do

Determine your style based on your personality. Are you?

  • Romantic
  • Classic Elegant
  • Dramatic
  • Alluring
  • Sporty


What You Get

A deeper understanding of your instinctive draw to certain styles, icons, designer brands, and clothes in your wardrobe. Learn how to leverage this consistently to dress authentically and effectively, and shop economically for your social and professional wardrobe.

You will also receive an assessment report of your style, and detailed guidelines for choosing styles for your casual, formal, and professional wardrobe.

Color Assessment

What We Do

Determine your colors, value and intensity based on your skin undertone and hair color.

What You Get

A clear understanding of your personal colors to make you look youthful, attractive, and confident.

Color strips that show colors that should be predominant in your wardrobe including dresses, tops, jackets, scarves, and other accessories, etc.

Body Type Assessment

What We Do

Determine your body type based on your proportions, measurements, and weight distribution. Determine your facial structure, hair texture, and best physical features.

What You Get

A clear understanding of your best features, body type, and proportions along with techniques to devise a spectacular professional, social, and casual wardrobe to enhance your image and complement your body.

Images and instructions on selecting clothes and accessories, including neckline shapes, prints, patterns, and texture for fabrics, length for dresses, tops, pants, jackets, earrings, chains, bags based on your proportions.

Appearance Package 2


Wardrobe Assessment

What We Do

Determine what in your current wardrobe matches/complements you based on your personality. Are you?

  • Romantic
  • Classic Elegant
  • Dramatic
  • Alluring
  • Sporty

What You Get

A deeper understanding of your style; and how honoring your authentic style can actually liberate you and make your wardrobe amazingly functional, versatile, and creative.

You will also receive an assessment report of your style, and detailed guidelines for choosing styles for your casual, formal, and professional wardrobe.


Shopping Outing

What We Do


  • We predetermine the store(s) we will shop, based on your style, preference, and budget
  • Our team will pre-shop and set aside garments for you to try before you arrive
  • You will try-on, and select the garments you like


  • We can predetermine the sites we will shop, based on your style, preference, and budget
  • Our team will pre-shop and set aside garments for you to review
  • You will review, and select the garments you like

What You Get

A clear understanding of how to use the style guide and color chart, as well as professional guidance preparing you to shopping on your own.

Color strips that show colors that should be predominant in your wardrobe including dresses, tops, jackets, scarves, and other accessories, etc.


Appearance Package 3


Wardrobe Assessment

What We Do

Determine your style based on your personality. Are you?

  • Romantic
  • Classic Elegant
  • Dramatic
  • Alluring
  • Sporty


What You Get

A deeper understanding of your instinctive draw to certain styles, icons, designer brands, and clothes in your wardrobe. Learn how to leverage this consistently to dress authentically and effectively, and shop economically for your social and professional wardrobe.

You will also receive an assessment report of your style, and detailed guidelines for choosing styles for your casual, formal, and professional wardrobe.

Shopping Outing

What We Do


  • We predetermine the store(s) we will shop, based on your style, preference, and budget
  • Our team will pre-shop and set aside garments for you to try before you arrive
  • You will try-on, and select the garments you like


  • We can predetermine the sites we will shop, based on your style, preference, and budget
  • Our team will pre-shop and set aside garments for you to review
  • You will review, and select the garments you like

What You Get

A clear understanding of how to use the style guide and color chart, as well as professional guidance preparing you to shopping on your own.

Color strips that show colors that should be predominant in your wardrobe including dresses, tops, jackets, scarves, and other accessories, etc.

Body Type Assessment

What We Do

Determine your body type based on your proportions, measurements, and weight distribution. Determine your facial structure, hair texture, and best physical features.

What You Get

A clear understanding of your best features, body type, and proportions along with techniques to devise a spectacular professional, social, and casual wardrobe to enhance your image and complement your body.

Images and instructions on selecting clothes and accessories, including neckline shapes, prints, patterns, and texture for fabrics, length for dresses, tops, pants, jackets, earrings, chains, bags based on your proportions.